An Experiment and an Introduction
Editor's note: This was originally sent out in the newsletter on 9/26/17
For maybe a year or more now I have been seriously trying to better myself. I have been trying to be more intentional, to be more mindful, and to figure out the bigger picture of what I think this is all for. This is far from successful everyday, it is a lot easier said than done. It is easy to get lost in the day to day shuffle when there are a lot of other things biding for you attention. I think one reason this has come more the forefront of my mind this last year is I am finally in a place career wise where things are actually stable and I don’t dread every moment of work. I also think that as I get older there are a lot of ways I see I can be better. It seems that as my birthday is approaching it is a good time to expand this a little more.
That brings us to this newsletter. Right now I am calling it The Polymath Group (this is a name I have been kicking around for some time, it may stick, it may not). This newsletter is an experiment I am going to try, it will surely evolve, and may or may not survive very long. I see it kind of playing many roles for me; it may partially be personal reflection on being a better person, it may be my commentary on the world around me, it might be part research journal as I dig in to different philosophies or random topics I am interested in.
I also hope that newsletter will serve as a sort of accountability buddy as well. I am hoping to send at least one out a week. This is part of where you come in, if it seems like it has been a while since you have received one, you can let me know I am failing. If you have received this inaugural volume it is because I placed you on the list to start. I have picked those that are close to me to help keep me honest. I also picked you because you know how sharing I am in public or even in private sometimes. This is a me trying to be open and honest and put myself out there in a way I have not done before (and maybe prove to some I am not a robot). With that in mind I am going to try and avoid editing these too much as well (I apologize for the spelling and grammar mistakes now, as well as the over use of parentheses). One of my biggest problems with working on things is I keep redoing them to try and make them better instead of just putting them out. Perfect is the enemy of good right?
It is also going to be potentially a conversation. I hope that some thoughts or ideas can be a spark for some of you. I am sure we could all do with a little more positivity and thoughtfulness in our lives. One thing I think about a lot is sort of like a cross between a book club and a philosophy club, a place to sit down and discuss the big ideas. With most of my friends living further away (often entire states away), this is something that happens a lot less. Something maybe this newsletter can help a little bit.
In the end I guess it will be about how I am trying to be a better person, raising children, being an informed citizen, and random other adventures along the way. Sometimes it may seem more serious, but I think it will be far from that way all the time.
You can reply, let me know what you think. I would love to know your thoughts. Also you can share the newsletter, if you think you know someone else that might enjoy. You can also unsubscribe if you think it’s too weird, I am sure there is a button on here somewhere for that.