Welcome Back to the Polymath Group
Editor's note: This was originally sent out in the newsletter on 08/02/18
Hey there, welcome back to The Polymath Group. It has been some time since I have put out a newsletter, but we are going to change that now. You may notice a few slight changes; I switched from using TinyLetter to MailChimp, to you that shouldn’t matter much. I am no longer sending this from my personal email address either — maybe it will seem more professional that way. Overall though while much is the same, I am thinking of this as the next version of The Polymath Group newsletter.
In my first newsletter, I outlined some of my goals with it, much of that is still true now. It will still typically be a topic of interest and some random links to go with. It is certainly still an experiment that I am playing around with so you never know what you might get. There are so many random topics that grab my interest and bring me down rabbit holes. They lead me to weird ideas for projects that I want to start but when I get into I get distracted by another idea or something else random. I feel like I can give myself further leeway to follow a lot of them if I funnel my findings and odd obsessions back through the lens of this newsletter. It will be part exploration, part reflection, part random side quests, and it may even include some longer research points, you just never know.
I do need a constraint to hold me to something though, and to that end, I am going to send out this newsletter every Thursday. I know before I said that I wanted it to come out weekly, but I had sort of left myself an out before. I am telling you now that I am going to send an issue out every Thursday. I tend to dwell on things and let myself push things off because they aren’t good enough yet, or it just isn’t ready. With this, I am going to limit some of that. Sometimes that may mean they are short or be weird, or random, but they will be regular. I am looking forward to holding myself to that.
As always I enjoy all the constructive feedback you have for me so just reply and let me know what you think. If you enjoy the newsletter or know someone else you feel would appreciate it, please share it with them. And of course, if you aren't sure how you got here and don’t have interest in receiving these, you can always unsubscribe too.
Watch for the first official issue of this new version of The Polymath Group next Thursday.