Editor's note: This was originally sent out in the newsletter on 10/06/18

This week and today (October 6th) bring about my birthday. I decided that I was going to take it easy this week. I still don’t want to break my streak, so I am just sending out this little note.For my birthday I am going to ask you all to do two things for me. The first thing is to share my newsletter with someone you think would like it. You could forward your favorite one to them or send them to http://www.thepolymathgroup.xyz (where they can sign up on their own). The second thing you can do for me is telling me what you have liked about the newsletter since it has gone weekly, maybe your favorite topic, or your favorite part. Even if you have criticism, as long as it is constructive, I would like to hear your thoughts. I appreciate you taking time each week to read the random things I send out. Also, I am sending this out late Saturday because I wanted it to go out on my birthday, and still be a part of the right week.

Thank you for reading,
