Editor's note: This was originally sent out in the newsletter on 08/24/18

Ideas come at all sorts of random times. For me, many of these times when my brain starts working on random thoughts are when I am doing something else that is keeping my body busy, but not my mind. This happens most often in the shower (I know I am not the only one here as there is a subreddit dedicated to this) and when I am driving. The biggest problem with this is that I feel like I end up losing a lot of it by the time I can write it down.

I know a lot of people have started to use dictation for things like this. We have more and more ways to talk to our phones or home cylinders than ever. You can always just record voice memos and listen to them later too. These methods have never seemed to stick with me though. Maybe as they get better, this will seem more feasible, but typically I don’t even think that about the fact that I should be writing things down until I am half way through something.

What I need is the breakthrough that I am sure we will get in the future. I need the implant in my brain that allows me to capture the thoughts automatically into a safe repository. (Also how cool would this be for capturing your dreams.) You have to wonder though if the benefits would be worth the risks though. People are already worried about what their phone knows about them; now you want to give it direct access to your brain? I think there may be a couple of privacy concerns here.

While I do think a lot about how I can be better about capturing my thoughts, I still think I remember most of it, though as I get older, I am sure this will slow down. I believe there are also probably better solutions out there right now for me; I just have to find them. (In the end, this only leads me to my even bigger issue of where I keep the things I do capture. Note storage is a whole other can of worms for another day.) Do you have problems with idea capture, how do you solve it?


Here we are again, the end of the third newsletter, I appreciate that you made it this far. I think today I will leave you with a quote that I am sure has been said by someone famous at some point, but I found on a random Reddit post the other day; "If you follow the flock, you will always end up stepping in shit." I think this is so simple and yet so deep at the same time. Something to think about anyways.

Thanks for reading,

P.S. Maybe Friday is just the new Thursday, that's a thing that happens right....?