Editor's note: This was originally sent out in the newsletter on 5/29/19
Media Diet Spring 2019
This is an idea I have had for a little while, and by ‘idea I had’ I mean I am just stealing it from Jason Kottke . It is a good idea and a fun way to share what I have been up to. Basically, it is just a list of all the things I have watched or heard or read with some mini-reviews and ratings sprinkled it. I plan to do this either quarterly, or maybe triannually, or less, or who knows, it happens when it happens, ok?
First Time Watches
- The Lego Movie 2 - Great movie if you liked the first one, or if you like Legos, or if you have kids, or if you are a person at all. (A)
- Bohemian Rhapsody - This movie was fine, if you like Queen or Biopics, you should check it out. I do not think it is nearly as good as much of the hype leading up to it was. Obviously good soundtrack. (C+)
- Ingrid Goes West - This movie was weird. I liked it a lot, though. (B+)
- The Informant! - This was an odd one. I watched it while I was looking for movies that were more about people researching and breaking stories (you may notice that theme below). Unless you specifically want to watch this, I would avoid it. (C)
- BlacKkKlansman - A well made, funny movie with a great cast. If you have seen trailers, you know if you want to see it. (B)
- Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - This movie has gotten a ton of hype. It is all deserved. It probably helps that I am a sucker for a good multiverse story. The animation in this was next level. This may have been the best movie of 2018. It looks like it is coming to Netflix on June 26th, if you haven’t seen it, you should. (A+)
- Captain Marvel - A Marvel movie, you know if you like it or not. (B-)
- Avengers: Endgame - What felt like it could be the end of the whole MCU (it won’t be, don’t worry), ended the current run of Marvel movies. They pulled it off pretty well. I didn’t expect it to come together nearly as well as it did. I still need to see it again to process all my thoughts on it but like Captain Marvel, you know if you like it already, and more than likely, have already seen it. (A-)
- Vice - This was not what I expected from the trailers, it was a good movie, though. It was very well made and a great cast. Sometimes the realness of politics is too much, though, I would almost rather believe it was fiction. (B+)
- Wish I Was Here - It is funny, I backed this movie when they launched their Kickstarter in 2013, and somehow I never saw it until a few days ago. Garden State was one of my favorite movies, this was set up as a spiritual sequel to it. I am not sure that is exactly the case, but I still really enjoyed it, the topic matter felt real to me. I need to revisit Garden State because it has been a few years since I have watched it. Either way, I would recommend seeing Wish I Was Here. (B+)
- Spotlight - This movie, and really all of the ones in this rewatch section, has a great cast. This is a true story, and like Vice, I wish it was fiction. Although seeing that good can come from great journalism is great to see. (A)
- Zodiac - I love this movie, the feeling of obsession is something I sometimes relate to. If you haven’t seen this movie, I am not sure what you are doing with your life. (A+)
- The Big Short - This one sort of follows Spotlight and Vice (which makes sense as it was also made by Adam McKay), true bad stuff. This one is shot a little less conventionally, but I think the topic matter should probably be taught in school. Check it out if you can find it. (A)
- The Departed - Crazy that this is already thirteen years old, still great though. (A-)
TV Shows
- Game of Thrones - It came and went in no time, what can I say, it was an ending. Sometimes when you give yourself constraints it pays off, other times, you get the final two seasons of Game of Thrones. It looks nice, though. (B-)
- The Newsroom - I just rewatched the first two seasons. It has its issues for sure. I still love it, though. (B+)
- Rick and Morty - I finally finished everything that is out so far. It appears that was just in time, as they announced the next season is finally coming out this fall. Like I said earlier, I am a sucker for a multiverse, the further it takes this thread the more I love it. Although some of the humor is just raunchy to be raunchy. (B+)
- The Magicians - I read these books a long time ago, then they made a TV show. Like any show based on books, you are going to have issues. They actually seem to make most things better though. Also, the Magicians subreddit has been making fun of Game of Thrones fans for having a better adaptation. Season 4 just finished up and while it gets messy at times, I still think it is better than most shows, especially ones based on books. If you are looking for something new check it out, the first three seasons are on Netflix. (A-)
- Russian Doll - A Netflix original. I guess the other common theme here is that I love the multiverse. Check this out. (B+)
- Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon - A quick read, something I think I will probably revisit annually at least. If you do anything creative, it is worth a read. (A)
- Creative Selection by Ken Kocienda - A fun look inside Apple. If you enjoy reading how things came to be or like tech stuff, you should check this out. (And really if you are interested you can have my copy.) (B)
- The Strange Case of the Alchemists Daughter by Theodora Goss - An interesting take on all the monsters of classic fiction, but very female based. A fun read. (B)
- Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - This is a book sort of set in the future, a future where most people were taken out by some virus. Not bad. (B)
- Everything is Horrible and Wonderful by Stephanie Wittels Wachs - This would be considered a memoir I suppose, but it is the story of losing her brother, Harris, to an overdose. Harris, you might know as one of the two animal control guys on Parks and Recs. He was also a writer on the show. (B)
- Harry Potter and the Sacred Texts - This podcast takes the Harry Potter books and treats them as someone would treat a holy book. It seems like a strange concept, but it totally works. Just check out the first episode if this remotely interests you. I just finished the first season, which is the first book (each episode is a chapter). It is crazy to me how much Harry Potter fan material exists in the world. I think part of the reason this feels weird, is that Harry Potter feels so personal to me. When it came out, I was at the perfect age. In most ways, I was the target audience. I grew up with it. I have reread it more times than I even know anymore. In some ways, it makes sense, the internet grew up with it too. People around my age started creating all kinds of things as access to the internet became more available. Then the movies were breaking every record and brought in a whole new group of people. Now my generation is passing it down. Reading it to Owen now is one of the best things. We are on the final book now, and although he is much younger than I was when I first read it (he typically doesn’t pick up on the romantic feelings), those feelings of wonder and hope and love are all still there. It is a great feeling to share that with him. (A)
- You Made It Weird with Pete Homes; Ryan Holiday - I came across this podcast due to it being an interview with Ryan Holiday. He runs the Daily Stoic site and has written several books I have read. This is a long episode, but there is so much good stuff in it. I think the humor is really dependent on your likings though. I know Pete Homes a little, mostly from his Ex-Men skits that were on YouTube, he also has an HBO show. It looks like he has been doing this podcast since 2011, which is pretty impressive. I would love to check out more of them, but 2-3 hours every week is a lot to commit to. (A)
- XOXO talks - I went down this rabbit hole a few months ago, but there is a lot of good stuff in here. I would love to go to this conference someday. (A)
- Movies with Mikey - How many times do I have to tell you to go watch this channel. (A+)
- Bookstores by Max Joseph - This is a great video, subject matter that hits close to home. Plus who wouldn’t want to visit all of these book stores? (A)
Well, that ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would. Who knew I consumed so much the last six months or so. Plus, who knows how much I forgot about.
Let me know if you have thoughts about any of this stuff, or if you have things I should check out. I am always up for recommendations.
Thanks for reading,